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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wheelchair rides are the hilight of my life

Pretty pathetic life huh? I had another BPP ultrasound today, so I got to wheel over to the doc's office to work with my favorite tech Terri:) This is where they check for breathing, movement, heartbeats, and basic stuff like that. Everyone got a perfect score and everyone's fluid levels look good.

They scheduled a full ultrasound for next Monday afternoon, where they will do weight estimates and all that fun stuff again. The doc said they usually try to do those every three weeks, because the change over one week or two weeks isn't enough to really see a difference.

I saw my doc this morning too, we had a very amusing conversation about where I'm at. She apparently expected things to start happening within a day or two of putting me in last week, but I've stayed completely stable so she is perplexed. At this point there are basically three things that will trigger us to deliver: naturally going into labor/contractions; blood sugar spiking; or blood pressure spiking. And so far none of the above are happening! She pretty much said she really has NO IDEA how far I'll be able to make it but thinks that 32 weeks is very possible. Hooray I think. I'm torn between wanting to meet these little guys so much and yet wanting them to stay in so they are bigger and stronger. Good thing it's not my choice :)

I've turned into my grandfather (Woelfle) and started keeping a secret list of all the nurses because I can't remember their names, and their name tags get flipped around all the time so they aren't readable. He keeps a little business card in his shirt pocket with notes about all the servers at the retirement home's restaurant. I'm trying to keep my notes about them polite but it's getting tough, "brown hair" isn't very descriptive. I'm hoping that I'll have met all of them pretty soon so I can start learning them and finding out better ways to differentiate them.

I probably don't say this enough, but I want to thank everybody who has been thinking about me, praying for me and sending good thoughts my way. I know I wouldn't have made it this far without the absolute awesome support system I have, and I want you all to know that. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. you amaze me with your positivity. i'm sending positive vibes your way that you can keep those kiddos in as long as possible!
