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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Saga Continues

No babies today. I'm sorry the update took so long, we went back and forth all day long. In short, my numbers came down and the babies continue to look good, so we're leaving them in the oven and will reevaluate on Friday.

So here's how the day went down. As of this morning we were expecting to have them today. My daily weight showed a one pound gain and my blood pressure was lower than it had been. Also, when they tested me for protein, I had an "acceptable" level, so they told me that it would not be today. I was surprised but happy because I was able to have a solid lunch! My liquid breakfast was not cutting it. And you'll notice I did not say I had a "real" lunch because diabetic hospital food is most certainly not deserving of "real" status.

So I kind of hung out for a while, started to pack up my stuff because they had planned to move me to a larger labor and delivery room in anticipation of the babies coming in the next day or two. OK fine. Then the doctor stuck her head in and said she was concerned about the minimal growth of Baby C and that she wanted me to see the perinatologist to have him verify the flow of blood in his cord. If he wasn't getting good blood flow, we were gonna be back on for delivery tonight. But of course they didn't know what time I'd see him because I was being squeezed in between appointments.

I saw the perinatologist around 3 o'clock, and the results came back very good. Cord flow was good for everyone, and fluid levels were acceptable for everyone. Baby C is on the lower end of OK, but still OK. So by 4 the doc had officially decided NOT to do it today. And then she went home so I should be safe now :) She thinks I may go Friday, but if my blood pressure continues to stay lower (130/70ish), then she's gonna keep letting me go.

The moral of the story is that no one has any earthly clue what these boogers are gonna do. Now that I've had my initial "oh sh*t this is really gonna happen" moment/breakdown, I think I am much more mentally prepared for it to happen. So hopefully the back and forth that I'm sure will continue won't be as traumatic.

The toughest thing for me is feeling like I'm chicken little, getting people all psyched up and then having things change. But I know that anyone who has awaited the arrival of babies before has experienced this back and forth nonsense. Just another reminder that I'm not in charge, I can't plan, things may not work out the way I have them perfectly planned and pictured in my mind, and I'm going to have to deal with that.

My mom is down through Sunday, with her part time schedule she was able to take one vacation day tomorrow and have five days in a row off, so we'll be safe until Sunday before we have to reevaluate whether she should go home or not. My poor dad took a half day vacation today in anticipation of coming down, but once we started getting loosey-goosey answers he decided to stay put until we got a hard answer. Smart man :)

It's hard for me to think that people might not be here while they are being delivered, but at the same time, in reality I know that it kind of doesn't make a difference, in a way. Since this birth will be so abnormal, it's not like anyone will be able to see the babies right after they are born. Or me for that matter, because I'll (hopefully) be doped up and out of it for at least a little while. Also, I'm fairly confident that we'll have at least an hour or two notice before things happen, because of the logistical issues involved in getting neonatologists, extra nurses, and all the others lined up. Everyone that wants to be here will be able to get here before I'm able to see them, and as much as I want to know that they are sitting in the waiting room, it won't be the end of the world if they aren't here. I know, especially after today's events, that I have literally hundreds of people praying for me and thinking about me, and it doesn't matter if they are in the waiting room, St. Louis, Florida, or even the US. I can truly draw strength just knowing you all are out there, so thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers and please keep them coming!

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