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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Maybe those boots were made for walkin'

One of our favorite nurses brought Delia the cutest pair of teeny tiny boots today as a bribe to inspire bottle feeding. If we're lucky, she'll walk out of here in those boots very soon.

Our trial without the tube failed, she wasn't taking enough volume so she lost weight. The tube went back in on Monday. As if that wasn't hard enough, we actually thought she was going to come home on Monday, didn't find out until almost noon that it was a no go. She had been doing OK, until she lost weight. So close yet so far away. And with no real reason, just "she's a preemie."

We did look into her blood pressure, it was running kind of high so they did some tests and determined it's not high enough to be worried about for right now. We may have her checked out by a specialist in STL in a month or two just to be safe. That was good news, but also bad because it eliminated one more reason that she isn't eating. The past day or so she's started to pick up again, so maybe we've turned the corner and she'll continue to improve.

Life at home with two is interesting. The first couple nights weren't bad at all, but I think Ben is going through a growth spurt because he is constantly hungry. And Mr. Crankypants managed to overtake Mr. Michael and infiltrate the house. Taking two to the hospital alone has been interesting also, but today should be the last day of that. From here on out through the end of the month, my mom, Ethan, or crazy great Aunt Mary will be with us every day. And hopefully there won't be too many more trips to this darn place. I love my nurses but I'm SO TIRED of coming here every darn day!

Both boys got good reports at the pediatrician today, they are growing well and have no physical problems. Michael has another eye exam tomorrow since his eyes were still a bit immature at the last check, and he'll have to get a hip ultrasound since he was born breech. But other than that we are moving right along problem free.

Help at home is still kind of thin, but I do have someone coming Mon-Tues-Wed evenings starting next week to help, and they are working on finding some folks at church. I'm starting to think about work again, I go back in three weeks. I'm looking forward to it but also sad that my time with them will be over. And I'm definitely not looking forward to catching up on four and a half months of stuff I've missed!

I'll try to get some pics up in the next couple days while I've got helpers around.

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