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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another one bites the dust

The dust of the NICU that is. Michael is home with us! After Ben came back to visit and told him how awesome it was to be at home, he turned it on and got ready to come home. We have adjusted nicely to having Ben at home, worked out a good schedule for right now and are still getting some sleep.

Michael is definitely our "high need" baby who has a mattress allergy - he screams every time his back touches the mattress. Thus far we've been using a miracle blanket to swaddle him, and playing a heartbeat from a sound machine with decent luck. Not sure if that will continue to work, but let's hope so!

The week before Michael was added to the mix was pretty smooth, one baby is a piece of cake! We did baths, worked on nursing, and had a successful visit to the pediatrician. Now if only the other two would be that easy!

To handle bringing both Ben and Michael to and from the hospital, we broke out the triple stroller. We might as well walk around with a marching band escort, because it draws so many stares! Much more than I thought, I guess just because of it's unusual in line, rather than side by side, style. It does fit in a regular elevator, barely, but we prefer the hospital elevators designed to hold a gurney. Much more room for activities.

And then there is Delia. What are we going to do with her? She is a stubborn little princess and still isn't eating from the bottle enough. After much brainstorming and discussion, today we decided to try some tough love and stop using her tube. She'll get what she takes by mouth only, assuming that she doesn't show signs of physical distress. Since she is one day old adjusted, she ought to be able to handle her feedings by now. (By the way, adjusted refers to her age counting from my due date rather than her true birth date. They get those extra nine weeks to achieve all developmental milestones, up through the age of three, based on this "adjusted" age.) The doc isn't sure it will work, but it's as good an idea as anything else we've tried so maybe this is the kick she needs. Hopefully so.

I'm not having quite as much luck lining up helpers as I was hoping, but there are a few slots on the care calendar being covered. I met with two lovely young ladies this week who will hopefully come and help us a few evenings a week. I'm still working on a nursing student, if I can find one, and welcome anyone else who would like to come give me a hand. There are things to do any time of day or night, believe me!!

Last week I decided that the long hair had to go if I wanted to be able to shower regularly in less than an hour, so I got about eight inches cut off and have a super cute "swing bob" now. I love it. Much easier to deal with!!

Also, funny story today. I was changing Michael, half asleep, when I felt a warm something on my belly. How odd, until I looked down and realized he was peeing on me. I was so shocked that I just let it happen. These boys are gonna be trouble, I can tell.

Ugh, that's all for now, the hospital's internet is funky and won't let me write posts, so I'm working on it at home when I should be sleeping :) More to come soon.

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