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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy One Week Birthday!!!

Hooray for my babies! One week in the NICU down, hopefully not too many more to go! Everyone continues to do very well, making slow but steady progress. The echo test results came back with good news, the hole is considered "small" so the doctors will take a wait and see approach. Ben was also taken off his CPAP yesterday and now just has a nose cannula. Delia and Mike are both cannula free and are breathing on their own pretty well. Everyone is going up on their feedings pretty regularly and they are all just about back to birth weight.

Delia may be able to get rid of the IV all together soon, because she is getting close to tolerating enough food via tube feeding. We'll see in a few more days, but in the mean time they had to take the line out of her umbilical cord and put an IV in her head instead. Boo minus. Poor girl took it like a trooper, they tried in her hands and feet several times first but she has bad veins like mommy and didn't have any luck. At least it's in a place where she can't reach it to mess with it :)

It's so refreshing to see everyone's faces, now that they are down to little or no tubes on the face. Poor kids still have the velcro tabs from their jaundice light sunglasses though, so their little heads get stuck to the blanket sometimes. I hate to laugh at them but can't hardly help myself :)

I'm also making slow and steady progress on my recovery. I had been feeling really good but had some issues with my incision yesterday. The doctor checked me out and said I was fine, I just have one spot that is healing a little slower than the rest, but I'll be glad when things close up!

I will try to get some updated pictures up later today but wanted to let everyone know the test results.

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