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Monday, July 26, 2010

Maybe a July baby after all?

Or maybe not. But the doc thinks there is a good chance they will be here by the end of the week. It seems that my health will be the driver, although I'm still doing very well, blood pressure and water retention are starting to creep up a little at a time and will eventually reach a point where it will be a decision maker. I gained 14 pounds in the last week (HOLY COW) but they believe it is mostly water retention. The cankles are in full force! I can actually leave divots in my legs all the way up to my knees. Maybe tomorrow I'll try making a pretty design and taking a picture....

They did some additional bloodwork today that all came out good, so no problems there. They are monitoring my fluid intake and outtake to try to get a grip on how much I'm retaining, but so far no problems there either.

My big ultrasound today went well and the doctor is very happy with everyone's growth. I was a little disappointed because I was hoping everyone would be over three pounds, but we aren't there yet. Ben the Pork Chop continues to be the leader at 3lb 5 oz, followed by Delia at 2lb 12 oz. Michael is still the runt at 2lb 8 oz, but the doctor isn't worried. He grew the least since the last scan, but she said the important thing is that he continues to grow, period. He still falls within the "average" range for their age (30 weeks 4 days, not that I'm counting). As long as he continues to grow at all, him being small will not force delivery. The small ones are usually the feistiest anyway :)

We'll continue with more of the same, laying around, following my bland diet and watching lots of different factors. I have finally reached the point that I'm starting to get uncomfortable just sitting around, because there seems to constantly be someone in my ribs, smashing my bladder, kicking some vital organ, etc. It's not bad yet and I will gladly take it as long as they will let me to get these babies bigger and healthier. But, today is the first time that I started to think that maybe I'm getting close to being ready to be done with pregnancy. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being I could go longer than an elephant and 10 being I'm going to drink castor oil to put myself in labor, I think I'm at about a 3.

Keep the positive thoughts and comments coming, they are so important and valuable to me, and sometimes are the only thing that gets me through a rough patch. The reality of having these babies is fast approaching and I need all the help I can get!

PS. Today is two weeks since I had the positive swab test that said I had a 30% chance of delivering in the next two weeks. 30% my a**! Take that fetal fibernectin!

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