I had a very busy but wonderful weekend! It was my last trip to St. Louis before the babies come, I am now grounded and not allowed to travel anymore, so that is a bit sad, but I got to see just about everyone in my family and had lots of fun so I have good memories to refer back to.
Friday we picked a pediatrician who seems extremely nice, normal, and patient. She has two other sets of triplets as patients currently so we won't be anything new, and she is ready for the challenge. A HUGE to do off my list!
I also had an ultrasound Friday, and all continues to be well. The babies are 1 lb 2 oz, 1 lb 3 oz, and 1 lb 4 oz, which is right in the middle of the average range for their age. I'm very happy that no one is being a hog and taking more than their fair share! Everything else is looking great. The girl and one of the boys are feet to feet, and they were kicking each other fighting over space, but I don't blame them, things are getting kind of cramped in there. And it's not going to get better for any of us for a while still, I hope!
Aunt Mary threw me an AWESOME shower on Saturday, I have never seen so many cute decorating ideas before! Every inch of the house was covered with diaper cakes, onesies, toys, duckies, or footprints. My extended family is pretty large so it definitely wore me out, but we got lots of great stuff and it was wonderful to feel so much love and support from everyone.
My sister in law is coming to paint the nursery tomorrow and I just ordered our triple stroller - YIKES - so things are moving along! I'm just trying to keep my eye on the prize and focus on getting to tomorrow. All those tomorrows add up and hopefully it will be September 1 before I know it.
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