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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What the heck is a non-medically necessary prescription?

Today I worked on my administrative baby to-do list. Signed up for infant care class and breastfeeding class. Although I feel odd about it, I'm not taking childbirth class. Since there is zero chance I'll deliver naturally, I don't see any reason to spend time learning all that breathing goofiness. And I assured the doctor that I watch plenty of shows on TLC that have taught me everything I need to know about c-sections.

I also started calling about pediatricians. It's pretty odd to say yes, I'm calling on behalf of my three fetuses (feti? What's the correct plural?), they are looking for a doctor. There seems to be one large practice that has several docs taking patients, hopefully someone will feel adventurous to take all of us.

And I tried to deal with the insurance company today. Always a joy. On Friday the doc wrote me a prescription for a back brace and support hose. The pharmacy at the hospital said they didn't have the ability to directly bill it to insurance, but that it is sometimes covered so I should call and find out how to submit it. I emailed them so I wouldn't have to waste time on the phone. I specifically mentioned the prescription. So their response?

"Please submit a letter of medical necessity from your doctor and the appropriate billing codes for the items so we can investigate whether it is covered."

Can someone please PLEASE tell me what the hell a prescription is? Because my feeble pregnant brain can't seem to understand the difference between a letter of medical necessity and a prescription. I guess I'll call the doctor's office tomorrow and the insurance and see what they have to say. Can nothing be easy? Arg.

1 comment:

  1. It's a miracle, the person I talked to agreed with me that a prescription is indeed a letter of medical necessity! Now I just need to fax the info to the claims department.
